The Power Of Jewellery
Jewellery’s main power is to instil delight. First and foremost, to you as the wearer. Each jewellery piece is a wearable manifestation of beauty: the best nature has to offer shaped by the best mankind can do. Then, of course, it shares this delight with everyone you meet.
And as jewellery has different meanings for different people, we’re exploring three view points below…
To Empower You & To Give You Confidence
Regardless of how effortless or elaborate its design is, jewellery becomes a sort of armour that must be put on before the start of a new day. Once the backings of the studs are pushed into place and the clasps of the necklaces are deftly opened and closed, you feel prepared and ready to go.
To Better Express The Self
We all know that feeling: when you see a piece of jewellery that screams your name and you get lost in its details for the first time, overcome with the desire to make it your own. That is the sort of connection one experiences if the shape, the textures and the colours feel right. The love for a piece of jewellery becomes stronger as its reflection of yourself becomes clearer. After all, jewellery was made for self-expression.
To Become A Carrier Of Memories, Meanings and Significance
Sometimes, we love jewellery for what it means to us privately - whether to commemorate a place, an event or a person, there are connections we create at a personal - and sometimes secret - level. However, this deeper meaning is only revealed in retrospect and it’s often wrapped in nostalgia. Which is all the more reason to be intentional about the jewellery we wear and love.