Behind The Gems: Duet
Welcome to another edition of “Behind The Gems”, our monthly series that takes you on an exclusive, behind-the-scenes tour of our signature collections.
We’ve previously uncovered the inspiration and the design processes behind our Quote Un-Quote and Love You to the Bone collections. So, naturally, this week it’s time for another one of our absolute favourites to come into the spotlight: the Duet collection.

Duet: The Beginning
Loose stones and odd leftovers (from reworked pieces) were the starting point for the Duet Collection.
When we're stuck for inspiration or not quite sure where to go with a piece, we often play with stones and designs until that "Ooh, I want to wear this!" moment. Esther has a beautiful "work in progress" bracelet made up exclusively from mixed and matched stones which we often turn to be inspired.

Duet: The Design Process
Picasso once said that “Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working.” - and it’s true! Both our Love You to the Bone & "Quote Un-Quote" collections focused on the metals they were made from. We had been wanting to add a splash of colour to our collections for a while. So one afternoon we were playing with a really pretty aquamarine pear drop from Esther’s mixed & matched bracelet and… that was it!
The next thing you know, we were hunting for stones and piecing together the collection. Pale-coloured stones are something that Esther & I have been swooning over for a while and by mixing and matching the odd shaped stones we had finally found a way to incorporate them into a range we adore.

Duet: The Finished Pieces & What’s in Their Future
We love statement rings - the bigger the better. This preference, paired with the beautiful stones was already taking the collection in a very clear direction.
We had the design, but what to name it? The stones on each ring are of the same colour, but of a different shape. When you look at them, they are in complete harmony with each another, like a beautiful… duet!
This is how the Duet collection was born.
And its story doesn’t stop here: we look forward to extending it by adding earrings into the mix!

Keep a very close eye on our Instagram stories, where we’ll be sharing sketches and snapshots of the design process as it happens. See you there!