When I Travel: Alison Liaudat
Your jewellery is meant to be worn and seen at all times as you explore the world, come rain, snow, wind or shine. Ok, perhaps less so when you’re transiting a busy airport or when you’re resting snuggly in that comfy hotel bed.
It is for such in-between moments that we created luxury, handcrafted cases which will keep your precious gems safe when you’re on the go.
And to further the conversation about jewellery and travel, we’re turning to some our favourite fashion influencers in a brand new series: “When I Travel”.
First up is Swiss personal style blogger Alison Liaudat of BangBangBlond.
Below, Alison answers our questions about everything from her favourite jewellery to what’s next on her travel list. Read on for the full Q&A.

My first piece of jewellery was:
A gold chain from my grandmother.
Favourite place I visited:
That’s hard to answer! But recently, Lisbon got my heart!
Next on my travel list:
Bali or Kenya.
My airport ritual begins with:
Drinking a coffee to survive during the line at the security check.
My next tattoo will be:
French fries.
What inspires you to choose your next travel destination?
The sun! All I need is beaches and palm trees.
What are your top tips for the stylish girl on the go?
Wear sunglasses, you will stand out from the crowd.
My favourite quote is:
“Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.” - Oscar Wilde
Has Alison inspired you to start looking filling out your booking forms?
Don’t forget to plan ahead and pack your jewellery with care. If you want it to arrive unscathed, get one of our luxurious travel cases to keep it scratch-free.
Check back here in a few weeks’ time for the next interview with another one of our favourite influencers. Can you guess who it is?
(Hint: The world’s her showroom…)
Follow us on Instagram to be the first to know when it goes live.